Andrzej Lawn
Art Critic, Artist, Writer
'Untitled', Site Specific Installation near Ellenville, NY
Textual Supplement to 'Untitled Site Specific Installation in NY'

This project is an extension of one of my earlier works entitled 'Office Towers.' The project took shape while working part-time as a computer scientist in a corporate environment wherein I had been building daily monuments in the office break room/kitchen. Similarly this project installed on private lands in upstate New York makes use of only the materials at hand. Only the indigenous wood and stones present on site were used to build this monumental yet fragile structure that stands as an existential meditative monument completely surrounded by thousands of acres of undeveloped forest land.

Copyright to all material and/or works of art comprising or contained within this website is held by Andrzej Lawn. It is prohibited to reproduce, modify, adapt or otherwise use any of the images or information in any manner or form without the express written permission of the copyright holder. For further information or details of any of the works listed please contact Andrzej Lawn.